Excel Beyond the Bell Elementary in 14 schools

April 5, 2019
by Valerie Hsu

AIM fought to win funding for quality after school programs in the highest poverty schools in Montgomery County. The Montgomery County Public School system (MCPS) and Montgomery County Recreation Department, worked with AIM to create the Dream Academy (formerly known as Child First), an innovative after-school and parent-organizing program that over time will help organize and serve thousands of families in our rapidly changing-county, where 55,000 MCPS students receive subsidized meals and the school system population is now nearly 70% students of color. Providing affordable high quality after-school enrichment programs and engaging parents in the life of the school is one of the best ways to support children and families at struggling schools.

The program served 240 students in 2016-2017, and will serve 480 in 2017-2018. We are working to expand the program more in the future.


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