Affordable Housing

July 31, 2019
by Valerie Hsu

Affordable Housing continues to be a top issue for AIM. AIM leaders were key allies in the fight to substantially fund the County’s Housing Initiative Fund (HIF), the most critical local source for building affordable housing. In 2014, response to the declining funding for the HIF, AIM and our allies organized an electoral assembly where County Executive Leggett promised to restore the fund to it’s historical peak of $54 million and to create 1,000 new units of affordable housing but when the budget was released in December, Leggett did not follow through. However, AIM leaders, clergy and congregations worked with the County Council to protect the HIF budget from cuts in a tight budget year. Protecting this crucial source of funding is an ongoing priority for AIM. Check out AIM leaders and allies raising their voices to champion the fund below >>

In order to build the power necessary to bring about the much needed change in affordable housing in Montgomery County, AIM members created the Montgomery Housing Alliance (click here for link). Together AIM, Bethesda Cares, Coalition for Smarter Growth, EcoHousing, Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland, Interfaith Works, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, the Montgomery Housing Partnership, and Victory Housing, work to demonstrate that affordable housing is not only badly needed, but vital for the county to function as it should.


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